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One of the most important things you can do when creating a website is to ensure it is secure. Proper site safety protects you and your visitors, builds trust, and boosts your SEO (SEO).
However, site security doesn’t need to be costly. You can get a Secure Sockets Layer certificate (SSL), one of the most critical elements of site security, for free.
This guide will review the top free SSL certificate providers and show you how to get your SSL Certificate for Free.
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What is an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate (also known as a Transport Layer Security certificate (TLS), is a digital certificate that certifies users that your website is safe and secure.
An SSL certificate verifies your website’s identity and shows that all information sent to your site has been encrypted using SSL technology. This prevents theft. The site uses SSL when there is a padlock icon beside a URL in the address bar.
Click on the padlock icon to see more security information.

Why do you need an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate is essential for creating and managing websites. SSL keeps your site secure by:

  • I am encrypting user information to prevent theft. This is particularly important if your users must view or enter sensitive information.
  • It is easier for cybercriminals not to create a fake site by verifying your website’s identity.

Visitors can also trust websites that have SSL certificates. If you don’t have SSL, browsers could mark your website as “not secure.” This can scare off users. SSL can improve your SEO by incorporating site security into search engine rankings.

How to get an SSL certificate

You will need to request an SSL certificate from a certificate authority (CA), which is an organization that issues and creates SSL certificates. An SSL certificate may also be available through your website . This web host may request and install the SSL certificates for you.

Even if your web host does not offer SSL certificates, they may be able to help you install them. Install your SSL certificate if you host your website on your own servers .

You can choose between paid or free SSL certificates depending on what features you require, how much support you need, and the level of validation required.

Who should use free SSL certificates?

Before learning about the best free SSL certificates, you should consider whether a free SSL certificate might be correct for you. Each site should have an SSL cert, but different areas require different levels of validation.

  • Domain validation(DV): These SSL certificates are often free and provide the lowest level of validation. This is called domain validation (DV). This level of validation suffices for informational websites, which don’t require personal information.
  • Organization validation It’s recommended to get an even higher level of validation, namely organization validation (OV), if you have a commercial website.
  • Extended validation Websites with high-profile clients and websites that deal with sensitive information such as financial or medical websites use extended validation (EV SSL certificates) to provide the highest level possible of security.

Check to make sure you have the right level of SSL validation before you sign up for a certificate.

Get the best SSL certificates for free.

Who are the best SSL certificate providers that you can get for free? To help you select the right SSL certificate for you, we’ll be reviewing the top SSL certificates available for free.

Let’s Encrypt

Let’sEncrypt is the leading provider of free SSL certificates. This CA’s website states that it offers 260,000,000 websites SSL certificates.

The Internet Security Research Group runs Let’s Encrypt, a non-profit CA. It’s a trusted CA that is well-known, and many web hosting providers have SSLs obtained through Let’s Encrypt.

Let’s Encrypt has some great benefits. It offers Wildcard and Subject Alternate Name (SAN) certificates. This allows you to use one certificate for multiple domains or subdomains.

Most free SSL providers do not offer these certificates.

Let’s Encrypt allows you to get 50 certificates per domain registered per week and 100 subdomains per certificate. Renewals don’t count against your limit.

These limits are so high that most users will not exceed them. Let’s Encrypt certificates are valid for 90-days. You will need to renew them at a minimum once a year.

Let’s Encrypt recommends that you renew your certificates every 60-days.


  • A trusted, well-respected name
  • Completely free
  • There are virtually unlimited options for certificates
  • Wildcard and San certificates are available
  • Automated certificate configuration, renewal, and acquisition


  • More frequent renewals of certificates are required


Although Buypass is relatively new, it has a solid reputation. You can choose from various paid SSL certificates or the Go SSL option.

This SSL is 100% free and offers robust security. Buypass is a better choice than Let’s Encrypt because its certificates last 180 days. You don’t need to renew them as often.

Although the limit is lower than Let’s Encrypt, it’s still sufficient for most users.

Bypass allows you to secure multiple domains or subdomains. However, you cannot secure unlimited domains as with Wildcard SSL. Advantages:

  • Certificates valid for 180 days
  • Numerous certificates are allowed


  • There are no SAN or Wildcard certificates.
  • Allows for a lower certificate limit than Let’sEncrypt


  • Although Buypass is relatively new, it has a solid reputation. You can choose from various paid SSL certificates or the Go SSL option.
  • This SSL is 100% free and offers robust security. Buypass is a better choice than Let’s Encrypt because its certificates last 180 days. You don’t need to renew them as often.
  • Although the limit is lower than Let’s Encrypt, it’s still sufficient for most users.
  • Bypass allows you to secure multiple domains or subdomains. However, you cannot secure unlimited domains as with Wildcard SSL. Advantages:
    • Certificates valid for 180 days
    • Numerous certificates are allowed.
  • Disadvantages:
    • There are no SAN or Wildcard certificates.
    • Allows for a lower certificate limit than Let’sEncrypt

Cloudflare offers free SSL protection.

Cloudflare offers a different experience than other options on this list. Cloudflare doesn’t provide SSL protection, but it is a CA.

Cloudflare, a content delivery network that can improve the speed and security of your website’s websites, is available. Cloudflare’s SSL protection plan is free. However, you can share an SSL certificate with multiple websites instead of getting a unique SSL certificate.

Cloudflare routes all traffic to your site through Cloudflare’s servers.

Cloudflare manages SSL certificates for you. This prevents security threats from reaching your site visitors.

Cloudflare’s free version has one drawback: while traffic between Cloudflare visitors and your site visitors can be encrypted, traffic between Cloudflare servers and Cloudflare cannot.

Cloudflare’s premium options allow you to encrypt data both ways and obtain your SSL certificate.

Cloudflare’s free version may allow you to obtain your SSL certificate from another CA. Cloudflare’s Tree Service is straightforward to set up, and you don’t have to renew your certificates.

Cloudflare also offers other benefits, such as improved site speeds and other aspects that enhance site security.


  • It is easy to set up.
  • Other site performances and security benefits are offered.
  • You can upgrade to a paid edition if you need.


  • Complete encryption with a free version

Hosting providers who offer SSL certificates for free

Many top web hosts offer SSL certificates for free to customers.

This option is likely to be the easiest way to obtain a free SSL certificate. Your hosting provider will take care of most of the setup. These are the top web hosting companies that offer a free SSL certificate for all plans.

All these providers offer SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt.

Site builders that offer SSL certificates for free

Many website builders offer free SSL certificates when you use their platform for creating a website.

Shopify and Wix offer free SSL certificates to all users. Another easy and convenient way to obtain your SSL certificate is through your website builder.

SSL Certificates available for a free trial

Some of these names may appear on other lists or ads for free SSL certificates. These CAs may be listed as free SSL certificate providers. However, the certificates are only available for free trials.

However, if you are considering purchasing an SSL certificate, a trial period may be worth it.

  • Three ZeroSSL/SSL-Free 90-Day Certificates
  • Comodo provides a free certificate for 90 days
  • GeoTrust provides a free certificate for 90 days
  • GetSSL provides a free certificate for 90 days
  • Instant Offers a free certificate for 90 days
  • com offers a free certificate for 90 days

Which is the best SSL certificate for free?

Your company’s and your website’s requirements will determine the best SSL certificate.

Let’s Encrypt is a popular choice for many people, especially if it’s free from your web host or website builder. Buypass might be the best choice for you, especially if you need to renew your subscription more frequently.

You can quickly increase your security by using Cloudflare along with one of the free SSL certificates.

Do your research before you purchase an SSL certificate

  • Type of validation you require and type provided
  • The reputation of the provider
  • It is easy to implement
  • Support options
  • Any guarantees offered
  • Compatibility between web browsers and your web hosting

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