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Are you thinking of creating an online shop for your company? If so, you could be wondering what platform you should use to build it. However, numerous options are available among the two most popular services: Shopify and Wix.
The two Wix and Shopify are viable choices to build an online store. It is up to you which is better for your company?
The answer to this is Shopify and. Wix debate isn’t an easy one; therefore, we’ll go over each platform’s particular advantages in this article.
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What is Shopify ecommerce site-building?

When discussing Wix and Shopify, we should first get familiar with both, starting with Shopify.
Shopify is an e-commerce platform that lets you create an online store that includes everything from product descriptions to secure payment processes. Shopify also has a point of sale (POS) application, and everything available is available on every version on the site is cloud-based.

What is Wix ecommerce site-building?

Wix is a broad platform for building websites, much like Weebly and WordPress. It lets you select from various pre-existing templates or start from scratch to design your website. Wix provides a free version, but it’s limited and has prominent Wix advertisements.
Like Shopify, Wix isn’t strictly e-commerce-focused. It’s possible to use Wix to create a blog, from a food website to a manufacturing site. It’s good to know who can include e-commerce under that umbrella since Wix offers options to set up the online store.

Shopify vs. Wix: Which is better?

We now know the fundamentals of Wix and. Shopify, it’s time to look at their differences. Which one is superior?

Let’s look at the key aspects that make up Shopify and Wix website-building for e-commerce to see which one is the best in each area.

PriceThe cost of each platform is among the most important factors to consider. Many factors affect pricing, including the type of plan you choose as well as the number of additional costs you’ll incur.


Shopify’s monthly cost of entry is $29. For the most expensive plan, it is; however, Shopify has a lot more costly, with 299 dollars per month. Additionally, Shopify tends to come with higher fees for other functions, for example, the transaction fee each time a customer orders from your shop.


Wix offers a price similar to Shopify’s, $28 per month. However, the plan with the highest cost is cheaper than Shopify’s, which is $56 per month.

Wix wins: Wix

The top Wix plan is less expensive than Shopify’s, and it doesn’t have the same amount of costs. That’s why Wix has the upper hand in this regard.

  1. Templates

Wix and Shopify offer a wide range of templates to choose from.


Because Shopify is more focused on e-commerce, it is the reason that its templates are specifically designed for online stores. This makes finding the suitable template to meet your specific needs is much simpler. However, while the templates are clear, they are also restricted, with just the 73 templates available.


Contrary to Shopify, Wix offers a large selection of precise templates. There are 114 templates specifically designed for e-commerce by itself and more than 700 templates that aren’t geared to e-commerce.

The winner in this category will depend on your personal preferences. If you’re looking for a more precise approach to designing your layouts, Shopify could be the ideal choice in this category. However, if you’re looking to have various options, Wix is the way to take. It is all about your needs.

The user-friendlyAnother thing to think about is its usability. What platform can make it easier to create websites?


Unfortunately, Shopify is not a particularly user-friendly editor. It requires some editing on the back and front-end editing that can complicate. But, the end product will be simple to navigate since it’s designed specifically for e-commerce, not the general design of websites.

It’s worth noting that you need assistance with the Shopify editors, it is possible to collaborate with WebFX to avail the best website design solutions!


Wix utilizes a WYSIWYG (what appears is the result you receive) layout, which means that all you need to do is drag elements to wherever you’d like them to go. This makes it easy and easy to utilize.

Wix wins: Wix

Wix has the most accessible layout for building your website, making it the obvious winner.

  1. Integrations and extensions

When you create your online shop, it’s most likely need to connect your store to other systems. For instance, you could use inventory management software to manage the inventory of your products, marketing platforms to monitor user interaction, and many more.


Shopify offers a wide selection of integrations available on its website. Apart from integrations, it permits many extensions.


In contrast to Shopify, Wix doesn’t let you connect to other platforms. Instead, it concentrates on add-ons – however, even with that, it has fewer options than Shopify offers.

Winner Shopify

Shopify is a step ahead of Wix in this regard and is the most suitable option for extensions and integrations.

  1. Mobile-friendliness

It is also crucial to think about mobile friendliness. More than 50% of the web’s traffic originates from mobile devices. Google uses the Mobile-first index, which evaluates websites by their mobile-friendly design.


Everything Shopify offers Shopify is entirely responsive, which means that pages can restructure themselves to suit the screen they are displayed on. Thus a Shopify page may look different on a computer instead of a mobile phone.


Wix, like Shopify, is not able to provide responsive design. Instead, to optimize your website for mobile devices, you have to change the structure of your pages manually to ensure they look excellent on all devices.

Winner Shopify

Because Shopify automatically optimizes websites for mobile devices, it wins this category.


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