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WordPress is among the most widely used platforms to publish content on the internet. Who can build everything from e-commerce sites and blog sites with WordPress? In addition, it is worth noting that the WordPress community has developed an extensive selection of free themes and plugins that allow newbies to publish their content on the internet quickly and quickly.
However, publishing content online isn’t enough to attract visitors to your website is an art, part science -and many SEO WordPress plugins will help to do this. Here is a list of the top WordPress plugins that help with SEO to boost your WordPress website’s ranking on search engines. Don’t forget that whether you require SEO support in Miami, for instance, or the SEO solutions in Minneapolis, Triple M Solutions can help you!

1. SEO Rank Reporter

This plugin for WordPress SEO allows you to monitor certain keywords on your website and issue you with a report each 3 days (with many beautiful graphs, too). The plugin also notifies you by email when certain keywords undergo significant changes in the search engine rankings.

2. All in One SEO Pack

A basic search on SEO-related plugins available for WordPress will result in All-in-One SEO Pack. This is the best and most awaited solution to improve your WordPress website’s Search Engine Optimization. It automates the optimization of your WordPress website for search engines , by creating meta tags and assisting you to improve your page’s titles.

Advanced users have the option to modify posts’ titles descriptions, URL structure and tags for every post.

3. SEO Ultimate

SEO Ultimate is among the top SEO plugins that can be used on an WordPress website. It’s a set of tools that provide, well, ultimate SEO. It comes with a feature known as Canonicalized that enhances WordPress’s native canonical functions to ensure that web crawlers are directed to the main blog post when there are websites with the same content however, with different URLs.

It comes with an integrated robot.txt editor (one of the five web files that will improve your website) that allows you to quickly create this file for the best crawling by search engines. It is compatible when combined with All in One SEO Pack and allows users to import meta-data into it in the event that you want to move over to SEO Ultimate.

4. SEO Content Control

This useful WordPress SEO plugin can help you find the weak areas of your website’s content. For instance the majority of WordPress owners do not provide description of the categories they have. This could be a source of improvement to improve the search engine ranking. SEO Content Control can help you identify the areas that could be problematic.

5. SEO Friendly Image

Optimizing your images to be search engine friendly is usually ignored, However, when done properly you can improve the semantic value of your images, their accessibility, and indexability, specifically for images. The WP SEO plugin automatically updates your images using the alt as well as titles attributes.

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