Posted by: admin Category: E-Commerce, Shopify, Web Design Comments: 0

1. Plug in SEO

When you have a website, you need to ensure that it appears in search results so people can find your products. That’s why you need Shopify SEO extensions, like Plug in SEO, that help your products appear in relevant search results. Plug in SEO enables you to improve your SEO rankings.

You can check your site’s current SEO performance, as well as fix and optimize your SEO performance. This SEO app helps you:

  • Create SEO-optimized titles and meta descriptions
  • Optimize headings, image alt tags, and file names
  • Fix 404 broken links
  • Optimize blog content

2. AVADA SEO Image Optimizer

If you’d like your eCommerce website to show up in search results, it is important to make sure you’re adhering to SEO best techniques to make it rank. One of the most important aspects of SEO success is making sure the images you use are optimized for SEO. By using Avada SEO Image optimizer, you can optimize images to the best of your ability.

This app is great because it enables you to:

  • Optimize your image ALT tags to rank in search results
  • Optimize image files sizes to keep your site from slowing down
  • Import page structured data
  • Optimize meta tags

3. SEO Booster

SEO isn’t a one-and-a-half and done procedure. It’s important to keep track of your progress to ensure that you’re producing results. If you’re looking to track your SEO performance and traffic for improvement, SEO Booster is the software you should use.
This plugin lets you track your SEO campaign’s performance and identify imperfections so you can boost your position in results for search engines. The features that are great include:

  • No coding
  • Insights on your SEO score
  • Auto-management of your SEO
  • Keyword integration and updating

4. Voyager Upsell & Cross-Sell

Voyager Upsell is among the top Shopify eCommerce plugins that can help your business if you wish to get your customers to purchase more products and products. The plugin monitors what customers put in their shopping carts and helps ensure they are offered relevant products when they check out and on other websites. You can also offer bundles of specific items.
It lets you select which areas you’d like to create special deals to increase sales in the most effective way for your company. This intelligent shopping allows you to increase your sales with more items and increase the average value of orders. The most appealing aspect?
It’s easy to get started and configure the plugin in less than 30 minutes.

5. Free Shipping Bar

Free Shipping Bar is one of the top Shopify eCommerce plugins available for businesses that offer free shipping for customers who purchase a certain amount. This plugin can advertise your free shipping offer by sending out messages that progress. These messages alert users of the amount they have to go until they have reached the threshold.
It can help you increase sales and attract more customers to add your products to their shopping carts. The plugin allows you to show various free shipping deals based on the number of pages visited, times, devices, and users’ locations. In addition, you can include background images on your progress bar, allowing you to personalize the user experience, such as advertising your free shipping offer during the Christmas season.
This tool is useful as it lets you monitor the performance of each bar to determine which shipping goals bring in the most sales for your company.

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