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What is content mapping?

The concept of content mapping is similar to mental maps; however, it is specifically focused on a website’s content. It helps you understand and visualize your website’s content.

In particular, it lets you see your content about the objectives of your customer and the objectives of your site’s users, and the various other elements of content you have on your website (as well as other websites) and allows you to identify the gaps (and possibilities) in your strategy to develop content. I’ll go over two types of web content mapping in this post:

  1. mapping your content to the goals (the objectives of your client and the goals of the site’s users)
  2. Mapping your content’s content onto other web pages

We’ll concentrate on creating useful content maps that can be utilized (and recognized) by anyone involved in creating websites. NOTE: Content maps can lead to a mind-boggling amount of complexity! It should be simple and simple (just as a brainstorming session); However, if you begin to refer to paragraphs in terms of “information elements” or blog entries being “content blocks,” this could be an indication that you could be creating a more complicated process than it needs to be.

We’re not creating the sitemap; Try to keep your eyes on the idea of websites and web pages. It would help if you kept your mind open to other content (e.g., tweets) and web pages.

Why should you create content maps?

The primary purpose for creating content maps is to help you begin content development with a strong focus on site goals and the types of content you need to produce. Below are some other reasons why you should create content maps.

Content mapping helps with technology decisions

If we have a clear idea regarding the direction and the potential demands of the website’s content We can make informed choices from the beginning regarding the technology we’ll choose to use and ensure that the CMS we select is able to meet the requirements for our site’s content.

Content mapping helps create a shared vision

Through a common language and common understanding of how everything functions and functions it is possible to encourage collaboration as well as further ideas-generation among the various teams, individuals and other components of the web site’s production process.

Content mapping helps quickly spot gaps and opportunities

By being able to visualize your content, you can potentially spot gaps that need to be filled and opportunities for additional content.

What you need to get started with content mapping

Here are a few things you’ll need to make the most the use of mapping content:

  • A clear understanding of the business objectives: This includes knowing your customers’ needs and understanding what they would like to achieve from the content on their site.
  • A thorough understanding of the website’s users: You know what website users require in terms of content and why they visit the site.
  • A thorough understanding of the requirements for content: You know the specifications and limitations (e.g. design, technical, style and so on.) of the content you create.

When you’re working with a site that is already in use or undertaking a redesign for your site it’s recommended to perform an review of the content (which I’ll discuss in my article on how to incorporate an approach to content in the process of designing websites) to determine what content is already in place. Although this may not be enjoyable finding content that can be reused can make your life easier over the long term.

Website content mapping tools

My opinion is that the tools you employ for creating content maps aren’t very significant; you can draw the maps on the walls of your kitchen using crayons if want to. But, it’s a great idea to make content maps with web-based tools that let you quickly share the results with your team. Any tool that supports mind mapping and diagramming can be useful.


Two of my top tools include OmniGraffle (a diagramming tool that works with Mac) as well as Balsamiq (a wireframing and prototyping tool).

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