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When it comes to building the backend of your web or mobile application, choosing the right technology stack is crucial. The backend is responsible for processing data, running server-side scripts, and communicating with the database. Node.js and Java are two of the most popular backend technologies in use today. In this article, we’ll compare Node.js vs Java to help you choose the best technology for your project.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime built on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to build fast and scalable network applications. Node.js is event-driven and non-blocking, meaning that it can handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it ideal for building real-time applications such as chat apps or online gaming platforms.

What is Java?

Java is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It is used for building web applications, mobile applications, and desktop applications. Java is compiled into bytecode, which can run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java is known for its stability, scalability, and security.

Node.js vs Java: 360-Degree Comparison

Node.js provides a revolutionary solution for developers. Its foundation in JavaScript allows for the use of the same syntax for client and server-side tasks, resulting in a more efficient and faster workflow compared to traditional methods. Moreover, Node.js has an event loop mechanism that permits non-blocking server responses, making it more scalable than other technologies. Lastly, developers appreciate Node.js for its lightweight nature, making it more user-friendly.

In contrast, Java is a highly dependable and secure programming language that differentiates itself from other technologies, particularly Node.js. One of Java’s significant strengths is its multithreading support, which allows for the simultaneous execution of multiple processes and the efficient utilization of CPU resources. Additionally, Java’s bytecode compilation allows for easy portability and platform independence, allowing the code to run on any machine or operating system without modification.

Java’s other essential features include robust memory management and concurrent accumulators that contribute to the application’s reliability and performance.

Developers’ lives are simplified by the availability of various libraries in both Java and Node.js.

When deciding between Node.js and Java, several factors should be taken into account. Node.js is preferred for its agility, scalability, and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for developing applications that require quick response times and efficient use of resources. On the other hand, Java’s robustness and reliability make it the ideal option for building enterprise-level applications that require high-level security and performance.

Node.js vs Java: Stability

Java is known for its stability due to its rigid structure and time-proven interfaces, while Node.js can be less stable because it’s designed for interacting with APIs that may change and cause instability issues for applications built in this environment.

Node.js vs Java: Scalability

Node.js is an ideal tool for developing highly scalable applications, thanks to its non-blocking input and output system and event-oriented model, allowing it to handle multiple concurrent requests. Node.js also uses a distributed system for different types of services, providing scalability and efficiency. Meanwhile, Java is a popular choice for enterprise application development due to its scalability and superior performance.

Node.js vs Java: Documentation

Both Node.js and Java offer extensive documentation that developers can use to learn new features and capabilities. Node.js documentation includes API reference documentation, ES6 features, and guides, while Java’s documentation provides a vast database of language-related information.

Node.js vs Java: Community

Node.js has gained popularity in recent years, thanks to significant contributions from tech giants such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon. In contrast, Java has a more established community with a long history of usage and support.

Node.js vs Java: The talent pool

According to the enterprise app today survey, Node.js ranks first in the “most wanted” category for frameworks, libraries, and tools, while Java ranks fifth in the “most used” languages and tenth in the “most loved.” Both have a large talent pool worldwide, with 23 million developers in 2018 and an expected increase to 27.7 million by the end of 2023.

Node.js vs Java: Ease of learning

Node.js is relatively easy to learn, particularly for developers who are already proficient in JavaScript, thanks to its streamlined and efficient coding experience. Java, on the other hand, has a more complex ecosystem and a steeper learning curve.

Node.js vs Java: Speed of coding

Node.js has a slight edge in coding speed due to its extensive collection of community-created libraries and reusable components. According to former PayPal Director of Engineering and Chief Architect Jeff Harrell, Node.js apps require 33% fewer lines of code and 40% fewer files, resulting in faster development time. However, development time can vary depending on the project type, team size, and the team’s language proficiency.

Node.js vs Java: Installation

Before working with Node.js, the first step is to ensure the archive file is present on the system. Developers should download the NodeJS .msi installer and execute it. After the installation is complete, it’s essential to verify that the installation is successful. To do so, launch the command prompt and execute the command:

$ node -v

If the installation is correct, the command will return the version number. For example:

$ node -v v6.9.5

If the command above doesn’t return any results, developers may need to uninstall and reinstall NodeJS.

In contrast, installing Java requires setting up the JavaFX environment to run JavaFX applications. The process begins with downloading the JDK to the system, installing it, and setting the path permanently. 

  1. Open the command prompt
  2. Type “java -version” and press enter
  3. If Java is properly installed, you will see a message similar to
  4. Java version “1.4.x_xx”
  5. Java SE Runtime Environment
  6. Java hotspot Client VM

If the message “command not found” appears, developers may need to uninstall and reinstall Java on their system.

Node.js vs Java: Database Support

Node.js is highly compatible with various types of databases, including both NoSQL and relational databases. However, it is particularly well-suited for use with NoSQL databases such as MongoDB. This is because MongoDB stores data in JSON objects, which makes it highly accessible for backends based on JavaScript, like Node.js.

Furthermore, Node.js features a specialized object data-modeling library that is specifically designed to work with MongoDB. This improves developer productivity by making the code more readable and flexible.

Java, on the other hand, provides support for a wide range of databases and uses the standard Java Database Connectivity for accessing data in applications. Some of the most commonly used databases with Java include MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.

To build simple projects, developers can utilize built-in Java databases, while JDBC-enabled databases can solve the problems associated with relational databases.

Node.js vs Java: Cost of Development

Based on Glassdoor estimates, the average salary for Java programmers in the United States is approximately $90,000, while Node.js developers earn an average of $105,000. In India, the average salary for a senior Java developer is $10,496.16, which makes Java development more cost-effective in the Indian market.

However, when it comes to working with freelancers or outsourcing development, pricing can vary significantly. Several factors, such as project complexity, management, and potential drawbacks, can impact cost estimates, making it challenging to provide an exact figure. To obtain a more accurate idea of the expenses, it is recommended to request quotes from various Java and Node.js development companies.

In what cases should you consider using Node.js?

You may want to consider hiring Node.js developers for the following reasons:

  • Building web applications that require streaming content
  • Creating high-performance single-page applications
  • Developing web applications that require efficient data processing capabilities
  • Building real-time and multi-user web applications
  • Developing browser-based game applications

When should you consider using Java?

You may want to consider hiring Java developers for:

  • Developing enterprise-level applications
  • Building highly scalable applications
  • Creating eCommerce applications
  • Developing Big Data applications
  • Building cryptocurrency applications that require high-level security features


To make an informed decision for your next project, it’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of both Java and Node.js. While Node.js performs well in speed and is often used for real-time applications and big data projects, Java is known for its stability and security and is best suited for web and scientific applications.

Consulting experts who are skilled in both technologies and familiar with your specific niche can help you decide which technology to choose. It’s worth noting that both Java and Node.js have large and active communities, and both are well-documented and supported.

Frequently Asked Questions About NodeJS vs Java

Is NodeJS more Performant than Java?

Node.js is equipped with a non-blocking, event-driven I/O model that renders it particularly well-suited for high-performance real-time applications and those that are input/output (IO)-bound.

Is NodeJS more Popular than Java?

Comparing the popularity of Node.js and Java is challenging since they serve different purposes. Node.js is commonly used as a JavaScript runtime environment for building server-side applications, while Java is primarily used as a programming language for developing various applications.

However, Node.js has gained substantial popularity in recent years, particularly in web development, for building real-time and high-performance web applications. Java has been around for much longer and is widely used in enterprise applications, scientific computing, and Android mobile app development. Both technologies have large and active communities, and they are well-documented and supported.

Which Technology has a Better Future–Java or NodeJS?

Both Java and Node.js are poised for a promising future in the realm of software development, albeit better suited for different types of projects. Java is a well-established programming language that boasts a large and vibrant community, having been in existence for more than two decades. By contrast, Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that has garnered considerable popularity in recent years, particularly for its aptitude in crafting high-performance, real-time web applications.

In summary, Java’s longevity and extensive usage in enterprise markets and mobile app development are key attributes, whereas Node.js’ reputation for delivering real-time web applications has elevated its prominence.

Giants like Netflix are shifting from Java to NodeJS. Does this mean Java is going Extinct?

It is important to emphasize that the adoption of Node.js by companies like Netflix does not imply that Java is becoming obsolete. Java is a mature programming language with a large and active community that has been in use for over two decades. It is widely employed in enterprise applications and has a strong presence in the mobile app development market, particularly for Android app development.

While it is true that some companies are choosing Node.js for certain types of projects due to its non-blocking, event-driven I/O model, which makes it well suited for IO-bound and high-performance real-time applications, it is crucial to recognize that each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is always recommended to evaluate the specific needs of your project and seek expert advice to determine the most suitable technology for your use case. The adoption of Node.js by some companies is not indicative of Java’s obsolescence, but rather a choice based on the project’s requirements.

Is it Possible to Use NodeJS with Java?

Integrating Java and Node.js is indeed possible and there are different ways to achieve this. One approach is to use J2V8, a library that allows for embedding Node.js as a Java library and provides access to Node.js APIs in Java.

J2V8 provides a bridge between the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the V8 JavaScript engine, which is used by Node.js. With J2V8, developers can execute Node.js scripts from within a Java application, share data between Java and Node.js, and leverage the power of both technologies in a single project.

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